Monday, August 31, 2009

You Don't Become a Wicca, You Either Are Or Are Not

There is a major growth in today's society for older religions, this includes people who want to become a Wicca. First of all, people need to understand that you do not become a Wicca, no more than you become a doctor and an engineer. Sure, there are signs of progress, and as a doctor or an engineer you get a piece of paper, however, that doesn't make you a doctor or an engineer.

As I said you do not become a Wicca. I am sure this raises some degree of curiosity and confusion. If I don't become a Wicca, then why do people call themselves such? See, it's not about becoming as much as it's about being. You don't become a Wicca, you are one.

I learned this a long time ago when I was studying the martial art of Ninjutsu, and it carried over as I began practicing witchcraft. As I gained belt after belt, I wondered at what point I would be a ninja. I couldn't wait to tell people I was a ninja. Once I earned my black belt, I wondered if I was now a ninja. I asked my teacher and his only response was, "you will know."

Eventually I came to understand that I can't become a ninja. It is something I am or am not. It wasn't about becoming, it was about being a ninja. The same is true when talking about how to become a Wicca. I now live, day to day, the way of the ninja. I use the philosophy and strategies I learned as I trained to live my life on a daily basis. The same is true for my spiritual practices.

You see, you didn't become anything, I either was or wasn't. I either lived as one, walked as one, talked as one, made decisions as one based on what I had learned, or I didn't. Learn, study, and apply what you learn as you grow, and you will be a Wicca. Then there will be no need to become a Wicca.

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Clearing a Space For You!

This time of the year is full of renewal, rebirth, growth, development, restoration, and cleansing. Along with the rest of nature, you tend to feel vibrant and inspired to clear things out and get a new start. It is a great time to clear away the past and plant new seeds for your life!

Here are a few easy ways to meet your cleansing needs:

The Space Within You

Fuel up! Think about creating your own cleansing experience to get rid of excess waste. Take advantage of all the great whole foods during this season. Add more fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds to your eating plan.

Express yourself. Journaling can help you know your Self and learn how to express your truth. You don't have to write a novel. A few words can go a long way and set you on the path to self-discovery.

Start exercising. Physical activities allow the body to sweat and rid itself of toxins. Movement will help clear your mind and focus on creating your life.

The Space You Are In

Surround yourself with beautiful things. Create a beautiful space with your new favorite color of the season. Spread some nature throughout your home with plants and flowers. Open up your blinds and let the sun shine in!

Clean out those closets. Remove things in your house or storage that you do not need. Keep the items that bring you joy and happiness.

Have a party! Encourage your loved ones to join you in celebrating renewal and growth. Share your desires, needs, and intentions. Cultivate an environment that is supporting and loving.

Like health, cleansing is not exclusively about how you eat, it's also about how you live! This is just a start.

What else can you do to renew yourself this season?

Takeyah A. Young is the Founder and Director of Core Connection Lifestyle, a company dedicated to providing life essentials for well-being and tools for balanced living. Through health counseling, lifestyle coaching, and sustainable living consulting, she serves as her clients' personal advocate for living an energized and passionate life. Takeyah's mission is to empower people to live their dreams in balance; connect the actions in their lives to their dreams; and inspire them to take living personally.

She is a Certified Holistic Health Counselor, Speaker, and Educator with a private practice offering assistance countrywide. She received her Bachelor's degree from Lincoln University (of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania) and Masters degree from University of Maryland. Educated at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City, Takeyah is certified by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. To learn more about Core Connection Lifestyle, please visit

The information in this article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Nurture Your SoulCreate Peace of Mind

The majority of people believe humans have a soul. There is significant controversy, however, on the souls impact or whether as humans we impact the souls growth or lack there of. Those who practice spirituality believe we are human beings having a spiritual experience and we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Such movies as: Ghost, Sixth Sense, What The Bleep Do We Know?, City of Angels and others illuminate this belief.

Nurturing the soul is as important as healthy nutrition, exercising and sleep. The souls sole purpose is to create spiritual/emotional growth. The sense of well-being and happiness emanates from the soul to the psyche. If the soul is ignored or malnourished the psyche and ultimately the body suffers.

The most effective way to nurture the soul is through spirituality. Spirituality is the God-related science of developing and freeing the God-made innermost beingthe core of usMade in the image of God." Love creates, all else destroys. Love cannot co-exist with other premises simultaneously; therefore, God is only love. The fly in the ointment of human existence verses in spiritual formas Godis the "ego. The ego is essential to navigate the vicissitudes in physical life. However, the ego is what gets us into trouble. The truth is: All life on earth serves the sole purpose of developing our spirituality to the point of being free of spiritual ignorance, free of selfish or destructive behavioral (ego) patterns, free to return to our eternal home in God. True spirituality leads to freedom in God.

True God-related spirituality is achieved by means of scientifically applying spiritual teachings and spiritual techniques that fosters the ego to vanish in the fire of divine love and ego-oriented spirita.k.a. intellectto be replaced by the Holy Spirit. Such true spiritual teachings can only be affected by a true connection to our innermost self. Because all humankind is God-made, Spirituality is our true nature and spiritual development is the most direct way to solutions of love and peace in all creation.
Prayer, Meditation, Gratitude, Spending time in natureincluding near fire and water are practices to create spiritual/emotional health.

Prayer: Researcher and mind/body medicine expert Herbert Benson, M.D. found that regular prayer or the repetition of spiritual phrases such as "Shalom," or "Hail Mary," triggers relaxation and reduces stress. Make prayer a time of personal conversation with God, state your need or concern and ask for divine intervention. Acknowledge all you have to be grateful for and give thanks for that which you desire. Giving thanks is more effective than asking for what you desire. God knows what you need before you need it and has already sent it to youtherefore giving thanks acknowledges what you havent seen yet. Establishing a regular prayerful routine is important.

Meditation: Researched for centuries, meditation is proven to have physiological benefits, including stress-relief, improved immune and cardiovascular function, relaxation, and decreased pain. Regular meditation practice leads to new insights about life issues (often resulting in the healing of past emotional trauma), heightened creativity, inspiration, greater compassion for others, and a greater connection to one's own inner guidance. There are a plethora of books and classes on meditation practices.

Gratitude: The state of being grateful; thankfulness. (The American Heritage Dictionary) In the push and pulls of life we seldom realize that we receive a great deal more than we give, and that it is only with gratitude that life becomes rich. Looking at the glass as half empty albeit is half full assures us, we will live with a sense of lack.

"Gratitude is our most direct line to God and the angels. If we take the time, no matter how crazy and troubled we feel, we can find something to be thankful for. The more we seek gratitude, the more reason the angels will give us for gratitude and joy to exist in our lives." --Terry Lynn Taylor

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." --Melody Beattie

Time in nature: The most visible manifestation of spirit is nature, where we most fully encounter and interact with life's primal energies in the forms of earth, water, fire, and air. Walking/hiking are easy and practical ways of reconnecting with nature and the earth, as are gardening, biking, camping and boating. Spending regular amounts of time outdoors within a natural setting, you enable yourself to better appreciate the rhythms of life, including your own.

Modern living prevents us from a balanced life. Time in nature restores that balance, while also deepening our connection with Spirit. Being near the water is a spiritually healthy experience, due to water's higher concentration of negative ions. Swimming in natural water or soaking in a mineral hot spring provides therapeutic benefits for a variety of ailments.

Exposure to a campfire or fireplace has health benefits. Leonard Orr discovered that fire cleanses the bio-energy field of negative energies, and is a powerful aid in curing physical disease. Orr recommends spending a few hours each day near fire. Fire is also an important component of the vision quests Native Americans undertake to connect with the Great Spirit and discover their life purpose.

Air is the closest expression of Spirit. Clean air is essential to health on all levels, and practicing conscious breathing is a potent self-care method for restoring energy and making you more aware of the power of Spirit as it flows through you.

Regular exposure to the four elements creates consciousness of Spirit's loving intelligence to sustain the world, while more deeply recognizing our place within it.

Given busy lives in todays world there are several techniques to use until one can engage with the four elements. The following techniques relax, revitalize and remove blocked energy.

Craniosacral TreatmentRelieves blockages caused by stress in the craniosacral system. Discovered by Dr. John Upledger in 1980, this system includes the cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord.

Reiki Chakra TreatmentJapanese spiritual healing technique, energy is channeled from master to student, cleansing the bodys chakrasspecific energy modes inside the body. Creates reduced stress and a stronger bridge to your inner being.

The Sound of Peaceful Healinga 120-minute sensory journey that uses sound, touch and smell to revive the senses and restore a feeling of calm.

Massage: Acupressurebased on acupuncture without needles, Deep Tissue, Reflexology, Swedish, Shiatsu, Aquatic Shiatsu,Trigger Point/Myotherapy, Rolfing.

Engaging in one or more of the soul nourishing activitiesPrayer, Meditation, Gratitude, Spending time in nature, including near fire and waterdaily will create soul/spiritual/ emotional health and you will enjoy a highly enriched and enriching life.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer specializes in: Mind, Body, and Spirit healing for Individuals, Special Issues and Professional Coaching. As an inspirational leader, Dr. Neddermeyer empowers people to view life's challenges as an opportunity for Personal/Professional Growth and Spiritual Awakening.

Guides and Spirit Helpers

As group consciousness grows and the electromagnetic field of energy gains strength, people are becoming aware of their spirit guides and helpers

In the New Energy and oneness of consciousness, it is getting easier to sense the presence of spirit helpers coming around us.

These can be sensed in many ways. I have noticed them as a slight disturbance in the field of energy, in the aura of the body: a slight tingling on the surface, or the sensation of cobwebs around the skin.

On one occasion I could see the outline of the presence and noticed a breaking up of the normal space/time as the entity passed by. This was like a crack in one reality as another reality came through.

Spirit guides and helpers are usually invisible but some sensitive people can see them with clairvoyance or connect with one of the other "clairs", like clairsentience.

In our quiet moments or times of danger, we can communicate with these Spirit helpers. Sometimes one of them puts themselves forward to act as our Doorkeeper: a single channel through which communication passes to our Higher Self and the Spirit and Angelic Realms.

Spirit helpers will work with us if asked; so it is important to clearly feel what we would like to show up in our life.

We can communicate with them with our imagination, day dreaming or night dreaming. It is easiest to connect through images, symbols or pictures, using our powers of visualisation on a feeling level.

When working with the Spirit world it is good to think of the perfect outcome or creation, as the imagination is unbounded and has a field of all possibilities as its basis. There is no need to be concerned with where the resources are going to come from as the Spirit world has infinite energy at its disposal.

Evolutionary desires are loved by the Spirit world as the nature of life is to grow and expand. New ideas which have never been put forward before are appreciated by the Spirit world as they open up new channels for energy to flow in.

Things which help to bring wealth and joy into other people's lives by giving from your heart using your creative aspects in an artistic or cultural field gain a lot of support and help.

Using Spirit communication through telepathy and subtle imagination of specific connections to loved ones and family, bring the awareness of this power to the surface of one's consciousness.

Relax and know there is nothing to fear except fear itself, as on this level of awareness you see your subtle connection to everything: it all becomes you.

As you become skilled in using the more subtle levels of the conscious mind and feelings to interact with Spirit, you are also helping to bring these gifts to more of the population: as your awareness grows, so does the general awareness in group consciousness.

You will be helping the planet to evolve and grow in the New Energy and increasing the power and awareness of the Spirit kingdom and all the various levels of spirit guides and helpers in the Angelic kingdom.

There are also healing helpers psychic surgeons (surgeons in Spirit) to help improve the health of your own body and those around you.

So why not spend a few minutes each day using your spirit guides and helpers to connect with the subtle feelings, to communicate with your Higher Self, inviting them to co-create with you different aspects of your life.

Message channelled by George Lockett (C) Copyright 2006, All Rights Reserved.

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Undines - Nature Spirits of the Water

According to legends around the world, an undine is a water nymph or water spirit. Undines can be found in any type of body of water, particularly forest pools and waterfalls. They are said to have beautiful voices, which are sometimes heard over the sound of the water. In Scotland, undines are referred to as wraiths of the water.

According to some folklore traditions, undines can take human form, thereby losing their immortality but gaining a soul. This misleading notion has led them to be a popular motif in romantic and tragic literature. Undines are sometimes referred to as nixes, nasty water sprites with mean temperaments. This is another unfortunate characterization of undines. Likewise, undines are often confused with mermaids and sea goddesses.

Paracelsus, a Swiss philosopher of the 15th century, believed that undines and other nature spirits occupied a realm between that of humans and spirit. Although they resemble man in physical form, they are more akin to the spirit realm in their abilities.

They are actually one of the four main types of nature spirits: gnomes (earth element), sylphs (air element), undines (water element) and fiery salamanders (fire element). Since water is critical for human life and all life on the earth, undines understandably play a significant role in mythology and esoteric traditions.

Undines, along with other nature spirits, are guardians of the earth. Undines are under the direction of their hierarchs, Neptune and Luara. Undines are particularly involved in clearing bodies of water of pollution and other chemical hazards. Undines play an important role in the spiritual world and in the maintenance of the balance and purity of the physical platform of the earth for mankind's evolution.

Rose Greenwood is a freelance writer specializing in spirituality and natural health. For more information about undines and other nature spirits, and how we can assist them as they work on behalf of mankind please see The Hearts Center offers an opportunity for seekers to receive up-to-date inspiration from the ascended masters and other spiritual beings. To purchase books, CD's, DVD's, art, and more, please visit Learn about the ascension, karma and reincarnation, the benefits of meditation, the use of the violet laser light and much more.

Is 2012 Really the End of the World?

Maybe just the end of the world as we know it. No, the world is not going to implode or explode or be completely destroyed in any form for that matter. 2012 is a new beginning, not an end.

There has been so much said about all this, from the bible, from Nostradamus, from Edgar Cayce, from the Mayans. In 2012 we will truly be able to experience heaven on earth. For some, this has already started. We are already feeling these changes. There are many people on this earth who have Ascended from the 3D reality to the 5th Dimension reality already. The Earth herself has ascended from 3D to 5D. In 5D time and space are different, they do not exist in the same way as they do in 3D. This is why so many people are having experiences outside what the "norm" has been the past few thousand years.

Some people think the financial meltdowns etc. are really bad news. It is just a change, different things going on, it doesn't have to be bad news. Everything is perception. A lot of people are being forced to change the way they have been thinking, or the way they have been doing things. So much of the world's issues right now are related to the old 3D ways crumbling. It is a new beginning, not an ending.

Jesus (or whatever Ascended Master you relate to based on your religion or lack thereof), IS coming. It is the Christ Consciousness in us all. Jesus "the man" is not going to just show up one day to save us. Its not quite like that. The consciousness of Jesus will show up for us all as soon as we realize that we have access to it. It is your own greatness, your own Christ Consciousness that will save you. Your realization that you are God. We ourselves are the second coming.

What makes things so hard is the separation from the divine light and love of all that is. For many years people have turned to religion, or leaders that tell us that things are outside of ourselves. Those in perceived power don't want us to know that the power of EVERYTHING is within us. We are all one.

The talk of hellfire and hell coming to earth for those that do not accept Jesus into their lives is true in some ways, but not in the literal sense that some organized religions would have you believe. It has to do with those that accept they are the creators themselves. Those that can see and feel their own greatness will truly be creating a heaven on earth for themselves and those around them.

Those that rely on (or "worship"), things from the 3D reality -- money and ego and external power -- truly will be in a hell on earth. Earth and her energy is changing, has already changed. We, as a species, are learning that we can create whatever we want here. It has very little to do with ego and power. There are many on the earth right now who are here to help with this transition. Many lightworkers who are ascending and "getting it" are here to help you. Many are actually devoting their lives to helping others remember where they came from and what divine beings they are. The first wave of Ascension is over. There are many Masters on this plane of our planet right now. Willing to help you to realize you don't have to stay stuck in 3D any more. Many people think Jesus is a saviour, as in separate from you, that will come and rescue you from your life, your existence, yourself, your perceived sins. God is not going to "make people go to hell". What kind of loving God would actually make people go to hell? If all one does is worship money, control or power they WILL likely end up in their own hell. This will be their own doing (or undoing) though. It will not be something that is done TO them.

Look at how things are right now. The world financial crisis is HUGE. Anyone who is very centred in, or worships, money or power at this point in time is RIGHT NOW in their own personal HELL. God certainly isn't putting them there. It is their perception of their time on earth that is putting them there.

Those that are suffering right now just need to look inside themselves, at the Christ Consciousness, at the God in THEM. Hanging onto the old 3D reality and the worship of external things like money or power or ego is what is causing them suffering. The always wanting more is causing suffering. There is enough on this earth for everyone. Some say they don't believe that...I've had people tell me to my face that I'm full of you know what just for suggesting such a thing.

The reality of it least MY reality of it is that there is enough for all. If we take the greed, the control, the lusting for external power away, there is enough.

All through the bible it states that God is in all of us. Therefore, Love is in all of us.

Religions made the devil up to scare the heck out of people. There were, and still are, those that do not want you to know your own greatness. They don't want you to know what they know. If everyone knew, there would be balance. No one would be better than, or richer than. Everyone would just "Be".

Religions say the devil "fell from grace" because he wanted to be God-like. What better way to make people shun their own greatness, their own connection with God. Scare the crap out of them so that when they start to realize their own greatness, and that they are not just a "part of Source (God)", but that they are indeed Source (God) themselves, the creators of their own lives and spiritual journeys, they get afraid and experience more separation. As soon as people realize their greatness, no one will be able to control them. That is very scary for those that think they have the power over the masses.

We are all God-like. We are all creators, God is Love, we are all a part of God. This scares a lot of people and there are certain governments and religions that don't want people to know this, so they make up stuff like the devil or demons to scare people. They don't want the general population to realize their power, they would lose their own place in society; in the 3D reality they have created for themselves. Imagine if everyone knew just how much like God we are, how much a part of God we one could control us anymore. No one would have the power to "make" us fearful. God is Love.....the "devil" is fear.

So, is 2012 the end of the world? I certainly hope it is the end of the world as we have known it up to this point.

Do not fear the changes, embrace them. Connect with Source in your own way. Find and connect with your own internal Christ Consciousness, your own greatness.

When things are done with Love and not fear, nothing but God and Love can shine through.

There are many things going on. Being a psychic lightworker myself (for lack of a better term), I know that what I see and do, anyone can see and do. The biggest challenge is to KNOW that you can do it. It is just a matter of being open to it and having the realization that we are all Source.

Remember where you came from, remember your divinity. Connect with your own Christ Consciousness. Experience the bliss every day, feel the love every day. Live with Love not Fear of what is going on on our earth. Its all good...

I am a psychic living in British Columbia, Canada. I have been psychic since birth and have been doing psychic readings for others for the past 25 years. With these psychic readings I help people to enhance their own personal growth and assist them to realize their life path. I am also a medium and often when I do readings I have contact from the other side, whether from a loved one who has passed over or Spirit teachers and guides. Visit Psychic Medium for more information on psychic readings.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Proof of Life

Ah yes, I know this feeling: This is the part where I start to feel completely and utterly overwhelmed. I've come to know this place, the Land of Overwhelm. I visit so often, I might as well move my stuff here and take residence. I keep saying I want to do things differently, but what am I doing differently, really?

I look at my list of to-do's and the truth looks me in the eye: There is no humanly possible way you will get this all done today.

So I do what the experts tell me to do. I prioritize. I even look at my to-do's and figure out what can be postponed, what can be put off til that nebulous 'After-The-Holidays' time when supposedly everything in my life will get so much easier, and suddenly I will have limitless time to do everything I've been putting off. (Yeah, right.) I shuffle. I cancel an appointment here, a lunch date there. I put off going to the bathroom far too long. (My bladder understands I'm busy.) I've given myself permission to turn some "yes"es to "maybe"s and some "maybe"s to "no"s. I reschedule. I apologize.

And then, this morning, in my journal, I am practicing gratitude, making my list, checking it twice, of all the things I am grateful for in this moment. Doing my best to be present, to stay true to my core, to center myself, yada yada. And Overwhelm interrupts rudely, beckoning... "Hey! Don't forget about me. What are you doing journaling? Don't you have a butt load of things to do?" and then I try something different.

Adding to my gratitude list, I write in my journal "I am grateful for overwhelm." Overwhelm stops in her tracks and looks at me with a puzzled expression. I breathe into my overwhelm and decide to do it differently today. I don't need to resist it, to challenge it, to struggle, as much as overwhelm is one of my favorite struggles. Today, I'll simply dance with it.

For what is overwhelm, really, but proof of life? Granted, a full life, an overflowing life, and yes, I crave a simpler life, and yes I'd love to take a day of rest-but-there-is-too-much-to-do and yes, sometimes I feel like I am being swallowed, but today, I will practice gratitude for my stress- for the stress is proof of life, too. Do dead people feel stress? Do corpses feel overwhelmed? Doubt it.

There she goes again, even now, while I type this.

"There is so much to do..." her mantra, Overwhelm, whispering in my ear constantly, growing especially petulant when she thinks I have forgotten (silly notion- how could I forget?) "There is so much to do..." she whines "Aren't you overwhelmed???" Yes, I am.... yes, I know. Yes, there is. But here's the thing:

There is always 'so-much-to-do'.

Until I'm dead, of course, and then I'll have an infinite supply of vacation days. But knowing me, I'll probably reassign myself immediately into another body, come back right away, screaming my way back into the human race. That will be me, I bet, signing up for this thing, this messy, overwhelming, crazy, busy, stressful, beautiful thing called life, all over again.

2008 Lisa Olson

Lisa Olson is natural-born supporter of growth and expression who loves to create happiness, cool experiences and inspiring others to step into their authenticity. She is a "Spiritual Midwife" and Soul-full Living Strategist with an extensive background in life purpose coaching, marketing, promotions, event management and community building. A writer, artist and lifelong journaler, she facilitates workshops, groups, rituals and dance experiences designed to awaken the senses and stir the soul. She can be reached at

A Spiritual Check-up

Now is a great time for a self check-up. The new year is here and you have probably renewed your resolutions from last year. Why settle for failed resolutions again when you can have guaranteed results. The results I'm talking about are the ones that will take you to the next level of performance, promise and purpose.

Not another year of disappointment, defeat and disillusionment.

This is not a physical or mental check-up, it is a check of your spiritual man to make sure that you are prospering eternally and externally in accordance to the promises and purpose of God.

Let's begin our spiritual check up by inspecting our fruit, this will be a major indicator of what is going great and where we need to change.

Then we'll look at how we can increase our efforts to get even better results throughout the year. Followed by identifying strategies to increase our fortitude, the inner strength we'll need to complete the journey we have before us.

God has assembled each of us here for his purpose and cause, in this specific time period and particular place. This cause is bigger than just your needs.

We should be sharing/sowing fruit daily, spurring each other towards love and good deeds. Some of our fruit are peace, love and forgiveness. The areas of life that we are responsible for sharing and showing others.

These are the tools that we have at our disposal to build bridges from us to other people so that God can come across.

If you harbor prejudice, hatred or have not forgiven someone then you are unable to bear fruit and you stand where you are today, because you have failed to fulfill your spiritual purpose and you should take a deeper look inside yourself, to determine why you are not progressing in this important area of life.

Having a brilliant career and a great personal life will seem unimportant if they are centered around emotional indulgence instead of spiritual progress.

How can one change their spiritual condition or situation?

First, let me warn you, that you can't reach any level of true spirituality without obeying the first tenet, which requires that you must be born again. Not just a mere spring cleaning but a rebuilding of the whole house.

Then it takes consistent and regular habits of prayer and meditation. I'm not talking about the habit that some have become accustomed too of pronouncing affirmations once or twice as if they were a magical incantation.

Could you practice on the piano occasionally and yet expect to be able to play well on any desired occasion?

To strengthen your spirit you need to build up a faithful daily habit of prayer and begin exercising a true love-consciousness, then the rest of the spiritual development will follow after that.

Some people pray only when they are in trouble or on their Sabbath and then, they find it hard to get any sort of meaningful results. Maybe you have heard the old adage, " little prayer, little power; much prayer, much power."

Sooner or later, through trouble or triumph, you will find the need to put God first in your life, but it must be the first thing. When this happens you will find that you have gotten rid of the mental junk that people try to carry around with them.

You'll spend less time pursuing material possessions and stuff, our artificial needs, things that don't really matter and only waste time and energy. Your life will become simpler and quieter, but spiritually richer and infinitely more worthwhile.

E J Jolivet is a freelance writer working, writing and worshiping in Houston, Tx.

The Times They Are Changing

We live in a very interesting time in world history. The evolution of getting to this point has never been so dynamic. Even though all the events that have taken place prior to this point in time have great significance, and the fact that it is what brought us here, our current world environment has been propelled into the 21st century with lightening speed. The advancement of technology in communications, information, and the internet has created the instant information age. And with that our conscious minds have become more inter connected with the world than ever before.

What is interesting is that this phenomenon is the staging ground for all of us to become more enlightened. We are, and always have been connected to the entire universe. We all have roots in the universe because consciousness affects our physical world, which includes all living things right down to the individual cells. Our minds have a great influence on our health and well being and on how we view the world. Our existence in the universe is born of a sense of participation and kinship with all others and all matter. The basic oneness of the universe is the central characteristic of the mystical experience, but is also one of the most important revelations of modern physics, (i.e. quantum physics). But I don't want to talk about quantum theory; I want to talk about the human connectedness, and what I detect as a shift in the thinking of more and more people.

Because of the information age, a fast paced lifestyle, what's in it for me attitude, and a win at all cost mentality, too many people began losing sight of the connection we all have with each other and the universe. The ideal of we are all in this together was fading, and taking responsibility for the common good of all, had begun to disappear. Over the last decade, an exponential amount of negative actions and the pursuits of an ideology of egotism have brought us to this juncture. But there is hope because I see the beginning of a change in the minds of many people.

Now, more than ever people are placing an increased importance on relationships. Taking stock of what really matters, like family, friends, and community. There is a new awareness that we are all connected to the universe, and that human consciousness and the physical world are intertwined. The realization is that there is a profound interaction that exists between conscious mental activity and the physical world itself.

We cannot separate our own existence from that of the outside world. We are not only associated with the earth that we inhabit, but with the furthest reaches of the cosmos. We affect all of those about us, so events such as caring, loving, and confiding exert profound consequences on the universe.

Following the Laws of Attraction, the universe gives us what we want if follow our dreams and our passions, but it also takes away if we lose sight of that connection that exists between us all. I believe that there is a change in the winds of time because there is the beginning of an understanding of this relationship. Maybe, just maybe it could be the start of the new Age of Enlightenment.

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Guides and Spirit Helpers

As group consciousness grows and the electromagnetic field of energy gains strength, people are becoming aware of their spirit guides and helpers

In the New Energy and oneness of consciousness, it is getting easier to sense the presence of spirit helpers coming around us.

These can be sensed in many ways. I have noticed them as a slight disturbance in the field of energy, in the aura of the body: a slight tingling on the surface, or the sensation of cobwebs around the skin.

On one occasion I could see the outline of the presence and noticed a breaking up of the normal space/time as the entity passed by. This was like a crack in one reality as another reality came through.

Spirit guides and helpers are usually invisible but some sensitive people can see them with clairvoyance or connect with one of the other "clairs", like clairsentience.

In our quiet moments or times of danger, we can communicate with these Spirit helpers. Sometimes one of them puts themselves forward to act as our Doorkeeper: a single channel through which communication passes to our Higher Self and the Spirit and Angelic Realms.

Spirit helpers will work with us if asked; so it is important to clearly feel what we would like to show up in our life.

We can communicate with them with our imagination, day dreaming or night dreaming. It is easiest to connect through images, symbols or pictures, using our powers of visualisation on a feeling level.

When working with the Spirit world it is good to think of the perfect outcome or creation, as the imagination is unbounded and has a field of all possibilities as its basis. There is no need to be concerned with where the resources are going to come from as the Spirit world has infinite energy at its disposal.

Evolutionary desires are loved by the Spirit world as the nature of life is to grow and expand. New ideas which have never been put forward before are appreciated by the Spirit world as they open up new channels for energy to flow in.

Things which help to bring wealth and joy into other people's lives by giving from your heart using your creative aspects in an artistic or cultural field gain a lot of support and help.

Using Spirit communication through telepathy and subtle imagination of specific connections to loved ones and family, bring the awareness of this power to the surface of one's consciousness.

Relax and know there is nothing to fear except fear itself, as on this level of awareness you see your subtle connection to everything: it all becomes you.

As you become skilled in using the more subtle levels of the conscious mind and feelings to interact with Spirit, you are also helping to bring these gifts to more of the population: as your awareness grows, so does the general awareness in group consciousness.

You will be helping the planet to evolve and grow in the New Energy and increasing the power and awareness of the Spirit kingdom and all the various levels of spirit guides and helpers in the Angelic kingdom.

There are also healing helpers psychic surgeons (surgeons in Spirit) to help improve the health of your own body and those around you.

So why not spend a few minutes each day using your spirit guides and helpers to connect with the subtle feelings, to communicate with your Higher Self, inviting them to co-create with you different aspects of your life.

Message channelled by George Lockett (C) Copyright 2006, All Rights Reserved.

* New book * "A Journey into the Self -- the multi-dimensional nature of being human": HealerGeorge Web Site and New Book

Description: What is this book going to do for YOU? For those who are seeking a complete energetic makeover, as you read it you will feel a stirring and awakening in the depths of your heart. For those who have questions about Shifts in Consciousness, Energy Balancing and Healing within the body, you will find clear answers.

Read HealerGeorges Blog: Curezone Blog or ask at question at: Ask HealerGeorge

Laws of Attraction Break the United States Documentary Record!

Laws of Attraction may still be new to some, but the phrase is definitely not new to those who have been practicing the laws or the secret laws.

In the US, the Secret film that popularizes the "Laws of Attraction" was apparently the "third highest grossing documentary of all time". Does it surprise you at all? Can you remember the buzz that the film has created? It is expected that the movie will help changing even more lives!

The Secret movie though does not tell you anything new. It just reveals an ancient concept of the laws. Laws of Attraction say that thoughts become things and your thoughts will come to you when you visualize them. The laws obviously exist and they work both positive and negative ways. When you visualize negative, you receive negative; when you visualize positive, you receive positive.

In order to make sure that attraction principle work for you, you must remember that positive thinking precedes the laws. It is true that positive thinking does work, but when you mix that "positive thinking" with "emotion", your "visualization" becomes even more real than ever. That is why it is important to be able to attract positivity!

Take desire for wealth as an example. You may want to visualize the exact amount of money you want in a specific amount of time and what do you want to do specifically with that amount of money. When you focus on your desire, you are half way through your journey. Remember to actually apply the principle of attraction in your life. You cannot have a result without action. That is a fact. Period.

When you want to attract beautiful things into your life, you must feel how wonderful it feels to live the life you want and live it within your mind throughout the day. If you haven't practiced the attraction principle yet, I suggest you go do them soon.

I also have news for people who do not believe in the power of attraction - is silly for one not to accept the laws since there is no harm in believing and applying them.

Look, before the whole laws of attraction craze came along in the last three or four years, most people had no idea what they are. People just heard of "positive thinking". As we have established that "positive thinking" works, but it is even more effective when we apply the attraction principle. Remember that positive affirmations are simply statements that represent a goal or intention you would like to realize while the Laws of Attraction represent your whole being as you live and breath the Laws!

John Lee is an entrepreneur, who has found successes using the Laws of Attraction Not only he built his business from 5-figure debts to 5-figure passive income, he helps others to do the same. He is also a student of Bob Proctor and learn The Secret directly from Bob. Visit to claim his FREE 52 email series revealing the secrets of his making 5-figure profit-pulling business on auto-pilot every month for the last one and a half year.

From Pain To Power: Suicide, Part One; The Big "Why?"

Just last week, I heard of another friend who committed suicide.

I can think, offhand, of about five people, not including him, whom Ive been somewhat close to, whove made that choice in my lifetime of 55 years. Sad to say, but my immediate thought when writing this was, That aint bad, considering the state of the world and the challenges of living!

Corey (name changed) was special to me in that I had been a part of a healing ceremony with him where, essentially, he was baptized by fire. I believe I witnessed his physical transformation from a man hounded by personal demons into a man willing to face life squarely. It was a phenomenal experience that happened in an instant. Youd expect someone like Robert DeNiro to pull an instantaneous, visible, change like that off, but the actor would be doing it so we could see it, whereas what we witnessed in Corey was the choice to be it.

Transformations like that happen all the time. We say to ourselves, Well, in Coreys case, it didnt hold very well, did it? But who are we, who keep on going, to say?

What I havent mentioned is that Ive been an integral part of one or another stage of two hundred or more suicides. I was in emergency services as an ambulance paramedic for twelve years, and I doubt theres a phase Ive missed in whatever process there may be. In those and subsequent years, Ive counseled many on the brink. Of those whom Ive counseled, I dont know that any have followed through on the act. Usually, the encounters were flashes of despair that dissipated over time (more on this, later).

But the first thing I say to someone whom I counsel is Yes, suicide is an option.

I come from the point of view that it happens enough, it is such an integral part of the experience of being human, that it could not be otherwise than an option. No matter how much you may try to regulate it, you cannot stop it. You cannot even stem its tide by promising eternal damnation. Its something we do, and some of us more happily than others.

Yes, I said more happily. In conversation, Im sure youve heard of the term shit-eating grin. In the ambulance trade it refers to a look of complete relief and contentment on the face of a dead body. I have encountered these kinds of facial expressions most often in suicides.

With most everyone else, if there is any clearly definable expression at all its in the vein of What the Hell? Get me outta here! The grins of these suicides, however, speak, Ive made it!

Generalization is a trap, of course, and by no means am I saying that suicides are a happy thing. The point I wish to make is that suicide can be as much a vehicle of personal empowerment as it appears to be evidence of resounding defeat.

To live is to get scarred. No one gets out alive -- in the form we have right now, anyhow. The only difference for any of us is when. There is not a one of us who isnt doing something to hasten our own deaths, if nothing else than clinging to a belief in it.

What we do with our lives is a function of choice, which is so sacred even God doesnt mess with it. Free will has no limitations, which means even causing our own deaths (which happens all the time) is a gift offered by life.

What our impressions of life are what our interpretations of our circumstances are is what our lives become. If we interpret our lives as intolerable, with the only outlet remaining to be death at our own hands, then that is exactly what it will be. To the person who commits suicide, it is a by-product of their considered, not casual interpretation of their circumstances.

By no means am I advocating suicide. I am just suggesting that those who are left behind make room to see the world through the eyes of the person who has cashed in his or her chips. If you begin from the place that, for the individual, her world-view was valid, under the circumstances you may be able to grasp that taking her own life was appropriate.

Its funny how we use phrases like, those who are left behind, or, we, who carry on, or, the ones remaining to describe who is left after the dying go and these not being specific to suicides. The implication, as Buddha says, is that life is suffering. We all know and experience this. Perhaps the wonder is not that so many people commit suicide, but that so many more of us dont.

Next, walking in the others shoes.

Russ Reina shares over 35 years of experience in the healing arts through his web site It is a potent resource for those wishing to deepen their abilities in connection and develop their powers as healers. For a powerful free tool to explore your inner world, please check out his adjunct site

(Permission is granted to reprint this article, unedited, provided proper attribution is made and the signature line -- the above resource paragraph -- is kept intact)

The Greek Deity Known as Hestia

When one thinks to Greek Deities, Hestia, probably does not come to mind. Less dramatic than others, she still played an important role in Greek culture.

The Greek Deity Known as Hestia

In ancient Greece, fourteen Olympians made up the pantheon of gods that were worshiped by the Greeks. While some of these deities are extremely well-known today, such as Zeus, Aphrodite and Athena, others are less familiar. These gods, while not in the forefront of Greek mythology, still played a major part in the lives of the ancient Greeks. One of these is Hestia, the first and last born daughter of the Titan Chronos.

In pre-Olympic mythology, the story is told of how the Titans Chronos and Rhea had twelve children, destined to be the first twelve gods of Mount Olympus. Chronos was upset by the birth of his offspring, so he swallowed all of them except for the youngest, Zeus. Hestia was the first born of Chronos, therefore she was the first swallowed. After Zeus led a war against the Titans and won, Chronos was forced to disgorge his offspring, and Hestia, being swallowed first, came out last. In this way, she was both the first and last born daughter of Chronos.

Hestia is seen as the deity of the hearth, and of order and family. She was depicted as being virginal, and her name actually means home and hearth. The town hall (prytaneum) of every town had a public hearth, at which sacrifices and dedications were made to Hestia. It also was her official sanctuary. When a new village or colony was established, a flame from one of the existing hearths of Hestia was carried to that new place, and she was later seen as the governing power over the connection between colonies and mother cities.

While not the most active or strongest of the Greek pantheon, Hestia was worshiped in every house. Her altar was seen as being located in every home and public hearth, and she was also regarded as a model of virginity and chastity.

Richard Monk is with Facts Monk - a site with country facts about Greece.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

A Spiritual Check-up

Now is a great time for a self check-up. The new year is here and you have probably renewed your resolutions from last year. Why settle for failed resolutions again when you can have guaranteed results. The results I'm talking about are the ones that will take you to the next level of performance, promise and purpose.

Not another year of disappointment, defeat and disillusionment.

This is not a physical or mental check-up, it is a check of your spiritual man to make sure that you are prospering eternally and externally in accordance to the promises and purpose of God.

Let's begin our spiritual check up by inspecting our fruit, this will be a major indicator of what is going great and where we need to change.

Then we'll look at how we can increase our efforts to get even better results throughout the year. Followed by identifying strategies to increase our fortitude, the inner strength we'll need to complete the journey we have before us.

God has assembled each of us here for his purpose and cause, in this specific time period and particular place. This cause is bigger than just your needs.

We should be sharing/sowing fruit daily, spurring each other towards love and good deeds. Some of our fruit are peace, love and forgiveness. The areas of life that we are responsible for sharing and showing others.

These are the tools that we have at our disposal to build bridges from us to other people so that God can come across.

If you harbor prejudice, hatred or have not forgiven someone then you are unable to bear fruit and you stand where you are today, because you have failed to fulfill your spiritual purpose and you should take a deeper look inside yourself, to determine why you are not progressing in this important area of life.

Having a brilliant career and a great personal life will seem unimportant if they are centered around emotional indulgence instead of spiritual progress.

How can one change their spiritual condition or situation?

First, let me warn you, that you can't reach any level of true spirituality without obeying the first tenet, which requires that you must be born again. Not just a mere spring cleaning but a rebuilding of the whole house.

Then it takes consistent and regular habits of prayer and meditation. I'm not talking about the habit that some have become accustomed too of pronouncing affirmations once or twice as if they were a magical incantation.

Could you practice on the piano occasionally and yet expect to be able to play well on any desired occasion?

To strengthen your spirit you need to build up a faithful daily habit of prayer and begin exercising a true love-consciousness, then the rest of the spiritual development will follow after that.

Some people pray only when they are in trouble or on their Sabbath and then, they find it hard to get any sort of meaningful results. Maybe you have heard the old adage, " little prayer, little power; much prayer, much power."

Sooner or later, through trouble or triumph, you will find the need to put God first in your life, but it must be the first thing. When this happens you will find that you have gotten rid of the mental junk that people try to carry around with them.

You'll spend less time pursuing material possessions and stuff, our artificial needs, things that don't really matter and only waste time and energy. Your life will become simpler and quieter, but spiritually richer and infinitely more worthwhile.

E J Jolivet is a freelance writer working, writing and worshiping in Houston, Tx.

Dispel Grief With a Positive Bereavement Poem

After a loved one dies, it feels like the world has come to a crashing stop. Grief and mourning can be so intense that you feel like you are sailing through a hurricane and then sinking in a sea of quicksand. A positive, faith and hope filled bereavement poem can help dispel grief and raise your spirits. The dark clouds of grief and loss can leave you and your family as you rise above the waves of fear and walk on the water of solid emotional and spiritual faith.

Loss and mourning are two obstacles to face and endure after a loved one dies. That might be a spouse, child, or family member. Or a close friend or neighbor, someone at church or even a personal role model. For example, when famous actor like Paul Newman died, many people who loved his example of a faithful marriage, his salad dressing, his famous roles movies like The Sting, and his good humor were shocked and numb. Death hits harder when the people are closest to us. Why do sympathy poems help after the death of a loved one?

Bereavement poems are a form of sympathy prayers that remember your loved one's life, with the hope of eternal life that follows. An effective bereavement poem contains several words of condolence and sympathy sayings, and even sympathy prayers.

The key words of a grief poem are expressions of hope. The virtue of hope looks forward to something new, something better in life, a transformation of even life after death. For example, in the Christian religion, disciples of Jesus Christ believe in the resurrection and new life with God that follows death. In many religions, hope is a gift that points toward eternity - a lasting union and friendship with a Supreme Being.

The symbol of hope in the Christian religion is an anchor, that holds a boat steady during a storm. The rope that holds the anchor to a ship during a stormy time of life relies upon being cast into a sea bottom of faith and love. That rope is a life line to hang on to, when the hurricanes of life come blowing through. The fact is that death happens to every person.

A bereavement poem that contains a prayer of hope and words of consolation brings peace to your mind and calm to your heart. All you need to do is to find a simple sympathy poem that is easy to say and includes the names of your deceased loved ones.

Discover a bereavement poem and prayer that you can customize to include the names of your deceased loved ones. Visit today.

Philosophy in a Nutshell - Freedom Versus Determinism

Two of the most important and most noble purposes of philosophy are to promote intellectual independence and to awaken the thirst for wisdom. Put simply, philosophy aims to get individuals to think, hopefully to ponder deeply about more fundamental issues than those which occupy most of our everyday lives. A brief examination of the issue of freedom versus determinism helps to define the scope of philosophy and related controversies.

Theories concerned with the issue of freedom versus determinism seek to discover the cause of human behavior. Are human actions predictable in a scientific manner? In other words, are there laws of nature, though complex and largely unknown, which would tell us exactly what a person will do in a given situation and which completely rule out any other possibility? This view, known as determinism, has been bolstered since the sixteenth century by the scientific principle of universal causation: every event has a cause and predictions of results can be made with total accuracy.

Hard determinism further holds that moral responsibility is incompatible with universal causation. Soft determinism argues that some behavior is free of compulsion so that people can be held morally responsible. Libertarians maintain that human beings do possess freedom of action. Otherwise, libertarians claim, human deliberation is an illusion. This, they assert, would be absurd. Furthermore, libertarians believe that exact laws of human behavior will always be elusive. Human behavior will therefore remain unpredictable and uncontrollable. In addition to this, a society perfected through application of science to produce specific human behaviors would be morally unacceptable.

This process of questioning the very foundations of life takes a certain amount of courage and psychological fortitude. Independence of thought is critical for a free society, and philosophy aims to spur us on to deep thought about the things that matter in life.

Kathleen Karlsen, MA is a professional artist, a freelance writer and marketing consultant residing in Bozeman, Montana. Karlsen offers classes and workshops on symbolism, sacred art, healing art and the psychology of design. To learn more about color symbolism, visit

For information about the meaning of flowers, please visit

The Sacred Feminine in Western Religion

'God', or 'Divinity', however you use these terms, is endless, infinite, and timeless, and as such is inherently indefinable and unknowable.

But the Sacred Feminine aspect of the creation is the vehicle, the 'Vessel', through which the infinite Divine can be expressed in our finite world. And only the Sacred Feminine can lead the soul back to the Divine.

A defining characteristic of the Masculine is the need to think things through in a linear, step-by-step manner, to experience a reality that is limited and finite and therefore straightforward, controllable, and 'knowable'. A defining characteristic of the Feminine, on the other hand, is the ability to experience reality in a holistic, open-ended, all-at-once manner, to take in and accept limitlessness and infinity. Needless to say, we each have a share in both of these characteristic abilities, but the Sacred Feminine in the world (women) and within the individual (the heart) must introduce the Sacred Masculine to the unknowable reality of the Divine. In the sacred stories, for instance, it is the Celestial Aphrodite who must unbind perfected souls and release them into bliss. And this is why Miriam had to die first, before Aaron and Moses: the Shechinah must lead the way.

Another defining characteristic of the Masculine is that it expresses the Active force within the creation, and as such it is always involved in doing, fixing, making, and acting. The Feminine, on the other hand, is the Passive/Receptive force of creation. This quality of passivity has been given a very bad name in our frantically productive society, where it has been saddled with negative and destructive connotations of weakness and submission. But if the truth be told, passivity is the higher quality. Action is the emblem of the realm of Matter and Time: the Masculine 'does'. Passivity is the emblem of the realm of Spirit and Eternity: the Feminine 'is'. It is this ability to be passive, to 'be' without having to 'do', that allows the Sacred Feminine Vessel to receive pure, endless, unknowable Being, without having to limit it or define it through any agenda of her own, and then to bring it to birth as infinite abundance and love in the physical world.

In the Old Testament, the Sacred Feminine is represented by various characters, including Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, Leah, and Miriam, who nurture and protect the patriarchs and Moses. In the New Testament, She is represented by the Marys, who nurture and protect Jesus (who represents the Sacred Masculine). But the Feminine power in the scriptures is not some sweet gentle 'goddess', representing all the 'nice' qualities that are missing in men. She is the Shechinah, the 'Presence' of God in the Creation, the force that hovers over the Ark of the Covenant, the 'Mother of All Living' who pours forth all the forms and qualities in the infinite universe. She is Life, from the primordial Chaos, to Eve, to 'Rahab, the harlot of Jericho'. She is the Beauty of Rachel and the Wisdom of Leah. She is Miriam's prophetic power. She embodies the secret of the Red Cow, for she is the mystery of blood, sex, birth, and death. She is the Sea, the boundless power of the Unconscious. She is the Mother and the Whore and the Wife and the Destroyer.

In the Christian story, She first appears to Jesus in the guise of an abundance of women led by a triad of Power, Grace, and Joy, reuniting with the Sacred Masculine so that together they will be capable of completing the journey back to Divinity.

"Soon afterwards he went on through cities and villages, proclaiming and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God. The twelve were with him, as well as some women who had been cured of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene [which means 'High Tower'], from whom seven demons had gone out, and Joanna [which means 'Grace'], the wife of Herod's steward Chuza, and Susanna [which means 'Joy'], and many others, who provided for them out of their resources." (Luke.8.1-3)

To say that Mary Magdalene had been 'cured of seven demons' does not mean, as has often been said, that she was a particularly egregious sinner. She was no more a sinner than you or I. But Mary Magdalene had been fully initiated. In scriptural symbolism, 'Seven' signifies complete achievement, and this means that every single level of Mary Magdalene had been purified and perfected. She is the archetype of the soul that drinks in the total experience of life on earth, who has the good sense and humility to ask for God's help (like the Samaritan woman), who pours forth love and attains complete forgiveness (like the woman with the alabaster jar), who completes all of the Great Work and has been healed at every level of her soul, and who will now remain the powerful ally and protectress of the Spirit right to the very end - Mary, unlike the other apostles, will still be present at the Cross. And apart from Jesus himself, there is no indication that anyone else in the New Testament achieves her level of initiation, with the single exception of her male-counterpart, Lazarus.

Was Mary Magdalene the secret wife of Jesus? Was she the 'vessel' of his semen and his children, the mother of a lost line of kings, and thus the authentic 'Holy Grail'? All of this is beside the point. Not because it is unimportant to return the Sacred Feminine to her rightful place in western civilization. On the contrary. It is urgent. But chasing after gossip, scandal, and conspiracy theories, is not the way to do it.

Socrates taught his pupils that only those things which help to perfect one's soul can be called 'moral' or 'good'. If we found a Marriage Certificate with both of their signatures buried in a desert cave, how would this discovery contribute anything to the perfection of one's soul? The search for this kind of 'proof' is fascinating and fun, but it is of no spiritual significance. It is merely a diversion. We should put aside the scientific demand for 'proof' and the academic fascination with textual criticism, and ask ourselves more important, human, and relevant questions: What are these stories trying to tell me? How can these words help me with my life? How can my struggle to unveil their inner meaning help my soul evolve? What are they telling me to do, and how can I do it?

The reason we must restore the Sacred Feminine to her full divine stature in our lives and culture is because without her all spiritual evolution is impossible! Without her all the ancient myths and holy scriptures are useless! We cannot follow Demeter and Persephone back up to Olympus, we cannot obey the Law of Moses, we cannot walk in Christ's footsteps, if we continue to misconstrue everything that is said about the perfect equality, the required harmony, and the absolute inter-dependence of 'Male' and 'Female' at every level of Creation. All of this is in the stories. Nothing is hidden. But the meaning of the words has to be penetrated and understood. As we have seen, only the Sacred Feminine, within the soul of a human being or the soul of a civilization, can receive the pure, endless, unknowable Being of God, without trying to limit or define it, and then bring it to birth as infinite abundance and love in this world. And only the Sacred Feminine, through pure noetic intuition, can reconnect us to that infinite, timeless, Divine Being, and lead us home.

The consequences of her degradation, a crime for which men and women are equally responsible, are constantly and painfully visible in the disintegration of compassion, decency, kindness, and human meaning, that we witness all around us.

Dr. Andrew Cort, D.C., J.D., is a Teacher, Attorney, and Doctor of Chiropractic. His books, including "Return to Meaning: The American Psyche in Search of its Soul", "From Joshua to Jesus", and "The Song of Songs: A Lover's Poetic Dialogue", can be browsed and ordered at Dr. Cort lives in the Berkshire Mountains in western Massachusetts.

Amish Lifestyles in a Modern World

I consider myself a normal person in the fast-paced world, probably just like you. We have our luxuries that we take for granted and never even notice we have them unless we have a power outage. Through my relationship with the Amish, and my desire to learn more about their customs and work ethic, I recently offered my services to assist one of the families of fourteen (14) on their small family farm. I was soon regretting that decision. I found myself assisting the young Amish children, ages 7 through 13, in throwing wheat sheaves onto a horse drawn hay wagon . Needless to say, the young Amish children put me to shame. I could not keep up!

I have learned that the Amish are very hard working and decent people with an unbelievable work ethic . They are trained from a very young age that if a job is worth doing it is a job worth doing right. That instilled value is what makes their products so special. They live a very simple life with minimal furnishings in their homes. It goes without saying that there are no refrigerators, televisions, computers, radios, electricity, telephones, fans, etc. What took me by surprise was finding there are no pictures, doilies, what-knots, or even couches inside their homes! An Amish home is furnished with wooden beds, handmade quilts, basic dressers, a kitchen table with a few hardwood chairs, and wooden floors without even a throw rug.

The families within this area are carried in a black buggy type carriage, which is pulled by horses. It is not unusual to see a young boy around the age of 9, controlling a team of horses pulling him around a field on a wagon or buckboard. These wagons have wooden wheels with large spokes or thick steel wheels. The wagon wheels have to be sturdy in order to carry logs to the sawmill or hay to the barn. The Old Order Amish do not use rubber on their wheels; even the hub is wood. A metal band (steel tire rim) actually rolls on the roadway. The wheels are a lot like the western wheels shown on the covered wagons except a little bit more narrow.

Amish handmade unique gift ideas for your country western home and garden decor. Rustic horse drawn buggy wagon wheels, cannon wheels, handcrafted baskets, heavy duty barn stars, quilts, fine furniture, birdhouses, and rustic furniture for your log cabin or to decorate your primitive landscape. Proudly made in the USA. Vernon Christian, dba Amish Wares, 877-644-6229.

The Sound of Soul

Have you ever wondered if soul has a sound? We may experience the sound of soul more than we know. Any time you move your attention to the inner dynamics of what lies behind your body and your mind, your soul will reveal itself to you.

Soul can be experienced outside your body and your mind as well. Just the other day, I was riding in my car with my friend Suzanne. We drove by an old barn that was caving in upon itself.

At some point, this barn stood upright. It was strong and enclosed many vehicles and animals for years. As with people, this barn aged over time. What once was a structure capable of containing many experiences of life, now, became a broken reflection of moments filled with life suspended in time.

You and I are a structural mind/body system that holds experiences within us just like this barn. As we recall these memories, these past experiences move our awareness toward an expression of experience where stillness allows us to re-live soulful memories filled with life and vitality. These inner visions, feelings, and experiences are our soul's way of speaking to us.

In silent reflection, our attention moves into expressions of living that are eternal. It is the part of us that is aware of our awareness. The part of us aware of our awareness and not identifying with the need to compete, become successful, or any other manifestations of the material world.

Our soul is the identification with what lies behind all appearances of separateness. This part of us needs no eyes to see, no ears to hear, no hands to touch, no tounge to taste, and no nose to smell. Our soul is completely free of any expression of our world. Our soul is the part of us that infuses all these qualities of attention.

Our soul is the silent spaces between every thought, word, and deed. It is a pregnant silence, all pervading, all knowing, and filled with eternity. Our soul is a connecting point from the world of flesh and the world of Spirit. The sacred human relationship between the form and formless states of our being create a spacial quality of existence within and beyond us whereby infinite possible correlations become the path of our soul.

* Try this exercise:

The next time you wake up in the morning, listen to your surroundings, just listen and do not analyze any sound. Let your attention be drawn into the sounds around you. Notice how far they are from you or how close. Do not try to define anything - just notice. You may hear birds, cars on the street, or the sounds of your home. Now, notice the part of you noticing all these sounds. What does this part of you sound like?

There is another sound within you. It is the part of you constantly speaking, analyzing, and judging. This part of you begins to plan your day, organize, and worry. It is the part of you that drives you out of silent witnessing all the events taking place around you. This part of you will get you out of bed in the morning.

At this point, learn to integrate the two consciously. They are going on anyway. This way ordinary events in your life will become sacred human awareness and a life filled with gratitude for every moment. Did you notice the difference between these two sounds? One moves your attention into the material world. The other moves you deeper into silence - the part of you aware of life's inner qualities the Sound of Soul.

Sam Oliver, author of, "A Fish Named Ed"

Friday, August 28, 2009

Vedic Deities and Their Connection With Semitic Deities

One of the most interesting and impressive of Vedic deities is VaruGa, often invoked with a more shadowy double called Mitra. No myths or exploits are related of him but he is the omnipotent and omniscient upholder of moral and physical law. He established earth and sky: he set the sun in heaven and ordained the movements of the moon and stars: the wind is his breath and by his law the heavens and earth are kept apart. He perceives all that exists in heaven and earth or beyond, nor could a man escape him though he fled beyond the sky. The winkings of men's eyes are all numbered by him: he knows all that man does or thinks.

Sin is the infringement of his ordinances and he binds sinners in fetters. Hence they pray to him for release from sin and he is gracious to the penitent. Whereas the other deities are mainly asked to bestow material boons, the hymns addressed to VaruGa contain petitions for forgiveness. He dwells in heaven in a golden mansion. His throne is great and lofty with a thousand columns and his abode has a thousand doors. From it he looks down on the doings of men and the all-seeing sun comes to his courts to report.

There is much in these descriptions which is unlike the attributes ascribed to any other member of the Vedic pantheon. No proof of foreign influence is forthcoming, but the opinion of some scholars that the figure of VaruGa somehow reflects Semitic ideas is plausible. It has been suggested that he was originally a lunar deity, which explains his association with Mitra (the Persian Mithra) who was a sun god, and that the group of deities called dityas and including Mitra and VaruGa were the sun, moon and the five planets known to the ancients.

Yet VaruGa is not the centre of a monotheistic religion any more than Indra, and in later times he becomes a water god of no marked importance. The Aryans and Semites, while both dissatisfied with polytheism and seeking the one among the many, moved along different paths and did not reach exactly the same goal.

To learn more about Hinduism and Hindu beliefs, practices, rituals and theology; visit my new site. There you will find many free articles

Hinduism Beliefs

Introduction to Hinduism

What is a Psychic

The word psychic (pronounced /saikik/; from the Greek psychikos--of the soul, mental') refers to the ability to perceive things hidden from the normal senses through what is described as extra-sensory perception, or to those people said to have such abilities.

The truth of the matter is that everyone has extra sensory abilities or psychic-ness. It is what the common-or-garden term used these days is your 'gut feeling', intuition, sixth sense; that little voice in your head that tells you otherwise. It is the sense that tells you to avoid a certain place or person without any logical reason. Everything and everyone has a psychic ability that we either choose to use or ignore. It is just a matter of being aware of your own unique gift.

Being a psychic person in simple terms is the process of being aware and developing a greater heightened awareness of being aware. For some it might be a daunting task and for others is might be easier. This is one of the reasons that many people engage in the practice of meditation, practicing bringing the mind to the present moment, yoga or any activity that develops the habit of strengthening your awareness.

A person who is highly intuitive/psychic or possess a greater heightened sense of awareness is not necessarily living the life of Buddha or anything profound but an ordinary life with all its up and downs of the day-to-day trials and tribulations. It is like some people can wiggle their ears or raise one eyebrow and some people can tell you are going to call them before the phone rings. It can also be a difficult way of being without the help and understanding of others. Have you ever been told you are just too sensitive? Are you hypersensitive in crowds? Electronic gadgets drive you crazy sometimes? Or maybe you have dreams that actually come true? literally.

These are all symptoms of having a psychic sensitive awareness. Some consider it a wonderful gift on a good day and some days a great burden. It is a responsibility that is not carried lightly but with guidance and support by those of us who have been there (especially in the more difficult times) to help learn to manage these gifts, it can be a beautiful way of being.

So in my opinion, everyone is a psychic and everyone has the ability to master their gifts of the extrasensory ability, it is just a choice as to whether you choose to use it, follow it, have confidence in it or not.

In the next issue of PsychicsEmerging Newsletter we will explore different types of extra sensory/psychic abilities, what they mean, and for what they are used.

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Amish Country - A Great Place to Visit

The first Amish settlements were in Berks County Pennsylvania. The land there was highly suited to farming. During the French and Indian wars their homes were disturbed by raiders and many Amish found safe haven in Lancaster County, PA.

Disputes among the people on the interpretation of the Ordnung caused many families to leave the PA communities and settle in places like Iowa and Missouri. The Ordnung is the oral code on how an Amish person was to live and conduct themselves. Further Amish settlements would crop up around the heartland from European immigrants. Today Holmes County Ohio, Lancaster County Pa and Lagrange Indiana host the largest populations of Amish.

Population, land shortage and Ordnung issues have resulted in Amish settlements spreading into 25 states and Canada. The most recognized Amish are the Old Order Amish who have compromised the least with the world at large.

Many people refer to the Amish as Pennsylvania Dutch but they are actually of Swiss-German descent. Dutch came about by the misspelling of Deutsch, which is a word for the German language. This language is still spoken in many Old Order Amish communities. Amish communities in Pennsylvania are largest in Lancaster County with the oldest settlement in the United States being in the southeast. This is a beautiful county filled with covered bridges and old German architecture. The gorgeous Susquehanna River meanders through the landscape and under the many covered bridges. As far as the eye can see there are lush farmlands and quiet back roads beckoning the visitor with promises of peace and tranquility.

Visit the area's many museums and historical sites like the oldest Mennonite meetinghouse in the country, as well as the farm and hardware store in Witness, a Harrison Ford movie. Enjoy the breathtaking scenery and the local lore by traveling by bus, car, horse-drawn buggy or even a hot air balloon. The food is amazing and there are antiques, furniture, quilts and dozens of other Amish made articles to choose from.

Elkhart and Lagrange County are home to the Indiana Amish communities. You can learn a great deal about the Amish and Mennonite religion and culture by visiting the Menno-Hof, an information center.

Better yet, take a trip to Amish Acres Historic Farm and Heritage Resort. When you finally get to town, there are farmers markets and village shops for your shopping pleasure. Flea markets, auctions, theaters and restaurants are all a great part of any trip to Amish country. Here you can also take horse and buggy trips that will take you to Amish style inns and farmstead shops. No matter how you experience this extraordinary life, do not miss a backcountry tour that will absolutely enthrall you.

In central Ohio, you will find several thriving Amish communities around Holmes County. Get off the main interstate and enjoy a trip to the historic towns of Millersburg, Berlin and Walnut Creek. There are shops where you can find all kinds of Amish fare. Things like handmade quilts, cheese, furniture, antiques and the best food on the planet. Get back to the old way of life by touring scenic farms and quaint homes of the Amish people. Three great places to visit are The Amish and Mennonite Heritage Center, Schrock's Amish Farm and Village or Yoder's Amish Home. The last is an Amish farmstead restored by a couple with close Amish ties. The farm was set up as an educational avenue for outsiders. All this can be seen by buggy, balloon or on a horse.

Leon Tuberman is the owner/operator of Barn Furniture Mart a solid wood furniture store that specializes in handmade Amish furniture for your bedroom, dining room and home office. Barn Furniture's handcrafted furniture is offered in oak, cherry, maple and mahogany in several style including Mission, Shaker, Traditional and Contemporary styles.

Why do Muslims and Islam Honor Jesus and Mary

Many do not know that Muslims honor Jesus and Mary as part of their religious beliefs. The following highlights some of the facts regarding Muslims beliefs about Jesus and Mary.

* Muslims believe in Jesus as a prophet. They believe that God (Allah) sent many prophets to mankind and Jesus was one of them

* As the Muslim religions foundation is to believe in one God and not to associate anyone with God and His powers and attributes, Jesus was only a human being that was raised by God and will return him to this earth in this life. Jesus will then die as a regular human being.

* Muslims believe that Bible was revealed on Prophet Jesus. However, with time, as that book was changed, God (Allah) revealed His last book, the Quran on the last prophet, Prophet Muhammad.

* Quran was revealed over a period of 23 years

* Muslims believe in Mary as the Virgin mother of Prophet Jesus

* There is an entire chapter in the Quran that explains in detail the birth of Jesus, his family, etc. The chapter is called Chapter of Mary

* Muslims believe that Jesus although was put on the cross was never crucified. Instead, he was raised to the heavens by God (Allah) and another person instead was crucified in his place. These teachings and the fully story are narrated in the Quran.

* Muslims also believe that Jesus will come back to earth, unit the Christians and the Muslims and will kill the anti-Christ.

* The Quran teaches Muslims that Jesus though was a normal human being but had special powers from God (Allah) including raising the dead and curing diseases.

Waseem works for, an Islamic and Middle Eastern Portal Website.

Religion and Yoga

Etymologically the word religion denotes duality, as it is a combination of Latin re and ligare, meaning to bind or connect again. Cicero, Lactantius and Augustine slightly differ from each other in their meaning of religion, which is quite natural. Through millennia, after many definitions and interpretations, the word religion has become a loaded word, and organised religion has further distorted its meaning. But shorn of the dross gathered around it, it means reunion with something from which we have separated earlier (fall of man). Similarly, yoga means to yoke or join together in Sanskrit, denoting--again--duality. Therefore, translation of religion should be yoga-not dharma, as is the case-and vice versa.

Like religion, Yoga, too, has also become a loaded word, by and large meaning a regimen of exercises, breath control and meditation (dhyana) to tone up the body and control the mind.

From the above, it follows: Bind or connect again to what (in case of religion)? And yoke or join to what (in case of yoga)? You reconnect with something where the connection has been snapped. Likewise, you yoke or join two things that once constituted one undivided whole.

Both the words were coined by the aspirants in the distant past to describe what they thought to be the source, since lost somewhere along the line. But, was there really a source? If yes, then, how the source was lost? There has to be a self or I together with something dividing it from the source; however 'I' is nothing but first person, singular pronoun.

The famous American philosopher Daniel Dennett maintains in his book, Consciousness Explained, that the self is an illusion-no more than a series of shifting "multiple drafts" or narratives, with no central focus or continuity.

On the other hand, the illustrious British mathematician Roger Penrose says: The world is an illusion created by the conspiracy of our senses.

When these two statements are juxtaposed with each other, we find that "the self is an illusion" according to Dennett, and "the world is an illusion" as per Penrose. Hence, the self is an illusion and so is the world. Is it then all Maya? The word Maya means illusion in English. In Sanskrit, however, Maya means measurement. What can be measured is Maya. English words like measurement, myth, meter, matter, and music, share a common ancestry with it. All measurements start from the point called 'I' or 'self'. When this I or self is knocked off, then Maya collapses along with religion and yoga. Then what is left is the Source.

Currently, I am working on a book for children.

Why Should We Give Thanks in Times Like These?

According to, the first Thanksgiving took place in Massachusetts during the Pilgrim Settlers second winter in America in December 1621. The first winter had killed 44 of the original 102 colonists. And because an unexpected trading vessel arrived, and swapped beaver pelts with them for corn, they were able to survive. Since next summers crops brought hope, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast on December 13, 1621, which is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies. Although this feast is considered to be the very first Thanksgiving celebration, it was actually in keeping with a long tradition of celebrating the harvest and giving thanks for a successful bounty of crops. The Pilgrims gave thanks to God for helping them find acres of land that had no hostile Indians and for newfound religious freedom. They also celebrated with the friendly Indians who brought wild turkeys and venison with them. As well as prayers, sermons and songs of praise. They spent three days feasting and praying. Since that time, Thanksgiving is a celebration of thanks of gratitude to God for His grace and mercy upon us. And President Lincoln officially set aside the last Thursday of November in 1863, "as a day of thanksgiving and praise to our beneficent Father." In 1941, Congress ruled that after 1941, the fourth Thursday of November be observed as Thanksgiving Day and be a legal holiday.

But why should we give thanks in times like these today? It is true that in today's society, some of us may think we don't have much to be thankful for. From loss of jobs, homes, cars and possessions, what's left? From the fall of Wall Street, the never ending war and the bad economy, why should we still be thankful to God? 1 Thessalonians says, "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." This means, no matter what we may go through, good or bad, God will always make a way for us. Even at our darkest time or hour, God will always turn a negative into a positive, if we only believe and trust in Him. Even in the book of Exodus, the Israelites sang a song of thanksgiving as they were delivered from Pharoah's army after they crossed the Red Sea. And the book of Psalms is full of songs of thanksgiving for God's grace to the Israelite people as well as for His individual graces to each of us.

In this life there will always be things to complain about. But God gave us a choice. Do we choose to be positive or negative? Is the glass half empty or full? No matter how grim our situations may be, there will always be something to be thankful for. Did we live to see another day? Do we have our health and strength? Are our families ok? Do we have clothes, food and shelter? If we only believe and trust in God, He will give us our needs and not necessarily our wants. For Romans 8:28-30 says, "For those who know Christ, God also works everything together for good, even events we would not necessarily consider good." May God grant that He may find us grateful everyday for all gifts- spiritual and material.

Wanda is a wife, mother, public speaker and contributing author of She has been writing about God and spirituality for over 20 years and has researched the bible and its history. Wanda also specializes in Christian poetry and children books and believes and teaches that regardless of a person's background or their mistakes of the past, God has a place for them.

She is the publisher and bestselling author of "Kids Ask The Darndest Things About God And The Beginning- Answers From The First Five Books Of The Bible" available at

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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Following Old Religious Text - Religion

Most people tend to bury their head in the sand when it comes to problems with their family, community, job, government and of course religious beliefs. They don't want to hear the truth and often they can't see the truth. I have read many religious text, books and other literature, missing some very important parts and only when I reread the information, did I find what I have missed. Sometimes I have needed to read or listen to the same information over 30 times, before it becomes somewhat clear to me.

Most religions are living in the dark ages. From what I gather, Hinduism is over 4000 years old, Judaism is around 2500 years old, Christianity is 2000 years old and Islam is about 1400 years old. People are following information today that isn't necessarily applicable to modern times but often religious leaders can twist it around, add some verbiage, make a semi-educated judgment and now we have something we can follow. It just doesn't make sense.

Why do we put so much faith in religious books like the Bible, Torah, Bhagavad-Gita and Quran, when these books cannot be proven and often have many mistakes and errors. I know people that open these books very carefully and treat them like they are made from solid gold. They are books like any others but often people live their lives from the information inside, strictly and religiously. Often never straying from their beliefs, even though they're outdated and hard to follow.

Let me get to the bottom line here, have you researched your religion and if you have, do you have any questions that can't be answered? Do you read any of the religious text and often wonder or think to yourself, this doesn't seem to make sense, because you just read something else that was contradicting the last statement.

You can handle the truth about your religion. By reading this article, it tells me that you're on the Internet, can you go to a search engine and type in Bible contradictions, Torah contradictions, or whatever your beliefs are. I was searching for errors in the Bible and came upon a couple of pretty good web sites.

Use words like contradiction, problems, errors and see what websites you come up with.

Seek the wisdom and the truth shall set you free.

Hope in Religion

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a self help library filled with great subjects on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion.