Friday, May 22, 2009

Best Ways to Meditate

Whether practiced as part of a religious experience or a relaxation technique, meditation is used by many to reach a higher level of consciousness, greater self awareness, inner peace, better health, or focused creativity. Learning how to meditate for maximum benefit takes practice and discipline, and developing a clear understanding some of the different focuses and philosophies of meditation can help you learn the best and most efficient ways to meditate.

How To Meditate

While there are many different "ways" to meditate, there are some consistencies in the general recommendations that can help you get the most out of your meditation. For instance, most types of meditation are most effectively done in a sitting position with a straight back. This helps your body more quickly reach a state of inner peace and concentration. Although lying down can help you relax, too, you are more likely to fall asleep in this position rather than focus on the meditation. While meditating, it is not entirely necessary to use the classic "lotus" posture with the legs crossed, but this is a common choice.

Meditation is best performed at certain parts of the day for best effect. It is best to avoid meditation immediately after eating a meal, as your body will be occupied with the process of digestion and less prepared to focus. Showering just before meditation can help your body feel fresh and prepared for the inner peace you are seeking. Many people claim that the best time for meditation is first thing in the morning, when your mind is more clear and alert.

Relaxation Meditation

To add to the relaxation meditation techniques, some suggest burning candles or incense, which can add aromatherapy effects to the meditation experience. Others enjoy using meditation music to enhance the experience-this can help mask any distracting background noise and further assist your focus on meditation. Meditation CDs can be found in many natural products stores, yoga studios, or other places that promote meditation for increased health and relaxation.

Yoga Meditation

Most types of yoga involve some form of meditation as part of the practice. Yoga meditation typically involves uniting the mind, spirit, and body and cleansing the mind. Mantras, or the repetition of a sound, word, or phrase, are often used to help focus and remove all distractions other than the purpose of the meditation, as well as very specific body postures and sequences of movements that allow for greater oxygen flow, blood flow, and energy flow.

There is no single "right" way to meditate properly, but learning to use meditation that works for you will help you attain control over your thoughts and actions more powerfully, allowing you to more completely create peace and harmony in your life. More than just simple "concentration," meditation involves using specific techniques to help your mind and body reach a higher level of awareness. Whether you choose to meditate to change bad habits or create new good ones, meditation can be an asset to your overall mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Colleen Lilly
writes a personal development and spiritual growth blog at

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